Years Late and Thousands Short

Being self-employed and tax illiterate has its consequences

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash

The COVID-19 shutdown was a gift and a curse.

Plenty of people sat home thriving, receiving hundreds or even thousands more than they would usually make.

Me? Well, I worked my butt off and was forced to change my apartment to homeschool high/university.

Years later, I learned about all the free money people were getting, and not one person thought to call me and tell me about all the funds available to self-employed people.

Why wasn’t I invited?

Imagine my shock and dismay when I learned that plenty of self-employed people legally cashed out in a significant way during the shutdown.

I was so worried about getting scammed or committing fraud that I didn’t realize that I actually qualified for some of the relief.

I mean, if you grew up like me, you probably are skeptical of anything that seems like it may actually help you without ruining your life.

Yep, I let pessimism block my blessings.

So, instead of enjoying Easy Street, I was over here sweating and stressing, trying to keep up with assignments, kids, coughs, and quarantines. Oh my!



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

They call me “the voice of the people,” but I can only speak for myself. Find "Everything Ivy" here >>