You Are a Mystic!

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readSep 29, 2023
Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash

When I lost my job to the pandemic I was not stressed at all as my arrogance and ego were at a top-notch state and they shouted “You will get another job, you have a degree after all. Relax and enjoy”. Days passed into months and arrogance went to sleep with ego.

I was depressed, I had never expected this to happen to me and it was happening right in front of my eyes. I applied day and night for all the suitable vacancies that came my way but nothing materialised.

After some time my fear started yelling “Run Run to a tarot card reader, get your energy checked, get incense sticks ” and I said, “Sure”. First I consulted a tarot card reader. She said my cards are very nice. Everything looked good, gave me mantras to chant, and took a heavy fee which I paid her after all I would get a job if I followed her instructions.

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Six months passed by and nothing came my way. So I asked for a refund, obviously didn’t get it but got free advice to consult an energy healer as my energies were scaring her I guess. So fear was at my service again “Run, run to an energy healer, your energies are shooing away job opportunities” and I complied. The energy healer said she was getting intuitions that I was stressed and in despair, so she would clean my energies and soon I would get a job.

Months passed, energies deteriorated, and mantras were now boring to recite so I stopped them. Suddenly a thought stuck in my mind, what is it that makes these readers and healers so confident in their craft, at least the authentic ones, how do they know all this?

After some research, I discovered that it’s their consciousness to which they connect. The people who talk to mediums and spirits and souls; it’s their consciousness that connects with these entities. That very consciousness runs in us as well, you and me we all have that in us, that untapped consciousness is covered with ego and fear that doesn’t allow us to see things clearly in full awareness.

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

So I began connecting with my higher self. I started meditating, bringing awareness to my daily chores, practicing being in the present, and finally, I got a job it was right in front of my eyes( Though it was short-lived; that’s another topic)

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