You are Your Own Home

You just need to find it

Akshita Kabra
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readSep 24, 2023


Finding peace is a tough job. You can’t find it in places or people. It is something that comes from within.

And when you’re at peace, you’re at your safest.

Why is it the need of the hour?

Sometimes we feel like no human understands the inner turmoil happening within us.

Or does this species plainly deny it?

Are they actually understanding the other person’s feelings but potentially making a choice to not speak about it?

Or do they find it unworthy or rather disgraceful to address these emotional issues?

Or is it just a matter of perspective?

Maybe or maybe not.

But in such dilemmas, what you need is your comfort zone. Home.

Not the one you live in, materialistically.

The one, in your own heart.

Photo by Bogdan Todoran on Unsplash

When the heart can make up space for almost everybody, why not create some for yourself?

A space where you can be at your utmost vulnerable.

But also, a space that gives you the peace you have been searching and yearning for all this time.

Masks! That we forget to put down

Appearances have to be deceptive, right? Because we don’t know who to trust.

Feelings are seldom reciprocated the way we want them to be.

It's a sad reality.

But why is it sad at the first point?

Well, we, Homo sapiens, out of everything, are good actors.

We ace it with split personalities. Sometimes more, if required.

Photo by John Noonan on Unsplash

Emotional issues? I got to proiritize the materialistic things to do.

Mental health issues? Well, it's just a lack of sleep.

Health issues? Just blame it on the diet.

Putting on a facade to survive within toxicity might be the need of the hour.

But living in one. Not okay.

Everybody hurts. In ways known or unknown to them.

But we need to decide how deep it can go.

You need to face it to ace it!

We are living in a loop. Just venting out the frustration of a petty issue on each other. Be it a stranger, partner, friend, or family.

Treat everything like a fifty-fifty possibility. Either hold on or let go.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

And when reality hits,

Face the truth.

Does it taste bitter? Wonder why? Because you have been living in a lie.

Lying that everything is under control.

Lying that you are happy managing everything that is expected of you.

Lying that you hold no grudges.

Lying that you are at peace with your inner self.

Living in a fake atmosphere of contentment.

Try and break those shackles

The moment you think about it,

Welcome, second thoughts.

Judging glares.

Criticising words.

Toxicity and trolling.

Put a barrier on it. At least try.

A home has doors. So do the one to your heart. Close it for negativity.

Photo by okeykat on Unsplash

It won’t be easy. But nothing is.

Isolation and reflection

Focus on your personal growth.

Things you are passionate about.

Things that make you happy.

Things that bring you peace.

Photo by Samuel Scrimshaw on Unsplash

They say when you are on the top, you are alone.

But there is a silver lining to it.

When you are alone, you don’t see anyone. Not even the toxic people who criticise you at every step that you take.

Ain’t that great?

Then why wait?

Imagine living on the top today itself.

And start practising for that moment.

If those haters are still looking at you, well, turn your face the other way.

Look at nature and its beauty.

Nurture your vulnerable self to do something fruitful.

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