You Could Be One Step Away My Dear

Photo by Hüseyin Özen

What do you want out of life? Do you believe you can get it?

Personally, I believe you can get whatever you want out of life…

I mean anything, but it often requires patience, like when it comes to growing fruits.

This patience or staying power is usually the hard part, and it’s because your dreams are like seeds that need to be watered every day…

And there’s usually only you to do the watering.

The reason most of us never fully live our dreams is that we are impatient to keep watering when we see nothing.

Especially in this age where we are marketed “overnight solutions” like

Get slim in 7 days

Make 6 figures in 30 days

Things like this make us forget one important thing, we are souls, and each one of us has its divine timing, and so do our seeds (dreams)

Your friend’s seed may take 6 months to start producing fruit, and yours may take 10 years because your seeds are not the same.

In nurturing your dreams, you’ll face different challenges than those of your friend, but there’s only one constant, you will both win if you can patiently nurture that seed.

Do challenges plague you?

Are you close to giving up?

You could be one step away, the game of the universe resembles a domino effect, and just one step will catapult you to the full realization of your dreams.

Things may be difficult now, and your heart heavy, but show up again no matter how small.

It is okay to rest, but never let that seed die, it was given to you for a reason.

You’re one step away, and you never know which it is, so try again, my friend.



Illuminated By Intuition
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Walking the path to transcend limiting beliefs, manifest prosperity, and sharing content as I go ✨