You Don’t Have to Fail Through Life; You Can Win.

Admit it, winning feels amazing. Losing? Not so much. But here’s the real deal: growing is even better!

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readFeb 23, 2024


Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Sure, we’ve all heard the inspirational talks about embracing failure as a sign of progress. Yet, let’s be honest, it still stings. Rejection emails, unapproved grants, dismal views, and meager earnings — it’s all part of the process, but it’s tough.

Then maybe you think; you know what, it is part of the process. I need to keep at it: page after page, day after day, week after week.

I just need to hold on. Hang in there.

(there is nothing wrong with that belief)

Definitely. All your effort would pay off someday, however: when that day happens can be decided by you.

So, what’s the game plan?

1. Take Action for Outcomes:

Actions lead to outcomes. It’s that simple. You ain’t the first in the game — someone out there has dribbled the ball, written the script, played the game, made the video, and started the business.

Learn the game, play the game.

2. Break the Cycle of Repetitive Failure:

Don’t fall into the trap of failing through life. Understand the game you’re playing. If the outcome isn’t what you desire, it’s time to reevaluate your moves.

Last week, I found myself frustrated after hours of studying yielded minimal progress.

It was 9:30 pm, and the library I was in was about to close. I was there since 8 am.
I flipped through the page of the textbook in front of me, I had only studied 10 pages, the whole day. I hadn’t even finished a topic. I felt the urge to kick the textbook away, but I didn’t. I had a heart-to-heart with myself, instead. The next night, armed with newfound strategies from YouTube, I revamped my approach. It turns out, I’d been doing many things wrong and not doing some crucial ones.

I get it — I’ve got a ton to learn, loads of failures waiting for me, and yeah, it’s gonna take time. But you know what? Learning to play the game effectively is key. Imagine having Michael Jordan coaching you through life, guiding your every move. (hey! hey hey hold on, don’t do that, do this) The likelihood of losing becomes slimmer, a lot slimmer. The return on investment would be higher.

Remember, every action has a way — if performed right, the outcome will be favorable.
Failure is important, but so is winning.

Here’s to your future wins — cheers!



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Hi! My name is Smiang. My mantra is "Either write something that's worth reading, or do something that's worth writing about"