Your Mind Will Help You Survive, But it Won’t Make You Happy

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readOct 2, 2023
Photo by Christian Gertenbach on Unsplash

A few years ago, a stranger stalked me. It so happened that I was walking through a street on a quiet Sunday afternoon scrolling through my mobile, and checking my Instagram while sipping on a Starbucks coffee. Suddenly I sensed someone following me. As I glanced back, a man was walking behind me and was occupied with his mobile device.

At first, I brushed it off as overthinking and continued walking, but just to be sure about it, I crossed the road intentionally, and not surprisingly, he crossed the road after me.

Now I had a stalker behind me and my mind went into action mode and started suggesting the busy roads that I could rush to, the past experiences, and the mistakes, not to repeat. It was yelling, after all, its (mind) survival was at stake.

After a lot of hide-and-seek, I finally reached home and gulped down two bottles of water while shivering continuously. Now the next thing the mind started doing was suggesting what could have gone wrong, and now I was crying profusely.

Isn’t it true that I reached home safely? Shouldn’t my mind be happy that I was safe and let me feel the satisfaction of being in a safer environment rather than stay in fear for days? I was trying so hard to forget the incident, but the more I tried, the more I failed at it.

After some time, when the fear settled gradually, I realized that the fault was mine. It’s not the duty of my mind to make me happy but of my consciousness. The mind was only doing what it was meant to do.

When we don’t understand that its only duty is to help us survive on this planet, we get angry, frustrated, sad, and depressed. In your mind, everything is a potential threat to its existence. For you to be happy, you have to see something beyond the mind and its constant thinking.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Let’s understand this better. Do you love sleeping? You do right, that’s because the 'thinker' is absent there. Being is the only thing present. Can you recall the moment when you were in the most blissful state for a whole day? It’s nothing other than deep sleep.

The so-called positive thinking can bring you joy and happiness for some moments, hours, or days. That’s only temporary. In reality, you don’t need to make an effort to be happy.

Your real nature is happiness. To realize that, just be a witness to your thoughts. Don’t fight them or try to stop them, as you will fail miserably.

Act as a witness.

As I understand it, the incident doesn’t cause me any anger or fear, but it’s just another post that I have nothing to do with at this point.

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