You’re Not a Night Owl, You’re Just Addicted

Why are you staying up to unconscionable hours, bathing your eyes in the glow of the screen?

Alistair Vale
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Erik Lucatero on Unsplash

There’s nothing special about being up at 2am with your brain being melted by video after video of celebrities doing and saying silly things or people whispering creepily into a microphone for their ASMR cult following.

We all like to think we’re unique little snowflakes with our own quirks and habits.

However if you’re someone who regularly stays up until the wee hours of the morning binge-watching YouTube videos or scrolling through social media, you’re not a “night owl.”

You’re just addicted to digital stimulation.

Am writing this to jostle you out of your delusions.

In fact, if we’re getting philosophical, constantly exposing ourselves to that level of digital dopamine hits is downright dehumanizing.

It’s training our brains to crave constant entertainment and stimulation at the cost of things like focus, presence, and living an actually fulfilling life.

You are stuck in an addictive cycle.

You’re staying up to unconscionable hours, bathing your eyes in the glow of the screen, utterly disconnected from any sort…



Alistair Vale
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Heritage Consultant | Truth Seeker | Hobby Writer | I own a dog, a 1996 Volvo C70 Coupe, and a mortgage.