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Challenging first principles

Liliana Dias
Boundmakers Review
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2024


When it seems too complex, get back to the basics. Applying the first principles thinking to promoting health and wellbeing is increasingly relevant and pertinent. Many organisations consider that they are already doing so much but the results are the same, or in some cases worse. It is quite frustrating when despite all the investment, the impact is non-existent or in some cases event negative.

Recent studies have shown that the activities and interventions proposed with a clear focus on Individual Wellbeing might have missed the target entirely. Particularly a recent study from William J. Fleming suggests that the wellbeing promotion interventions evaluated are not providing additional or appropriate resources to tackle the job demands worker have to address daily at work.

So, inspired in first principles approach lets explore how to break down a complex challenge and focus on its most basic elements to further get to a core truth that we already know. Shall we?

Let’s start focusing on key stressors that we already know exist and start doing the very basics again. One of these key stressors that we still need to tackle is harassment and micro aggressions at work. It seems such an old theme but unfortunately so common in all organisations.

Digitalisation of work processes seem to have increased the intensity and frequency of negative daily work interactions. Communication is more frequent, not necessarily more efficient, and leads the way to offensive content shared in all our digital work tools and apps, with people inside the organisation or outside. Connection is also dire and so support to handle, eliminate or prevent these aggressions urgently needs to be reinforced.

So in this edition of our review let’s dive again to harassment prevention in the work context with our blog post. We also suggest a great book by Lauren Stiller Rikleen called “The Shield of Silence” and finally invite you to a TED Talk by Tiffany Alvoid on how to eliminate microaggressions at work and build a next level of inclusion in our organisations and society.

Despite all the negative behaviours we observe in society, organisations need to enable safe and inclusive spaces in order to actually mitigate critical stressors at work. If these behaviours remain and are frequent at work, there is no amount of mindfulness, exercise, talks and individual lifestyle change that can actually eliminate their impact on the health and productivity of people. It just doesn’t work like that. Tackling the problem is the first rule in active coping strategies in life and at work.

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Liliana Dias (she/her)

Managing Partner @ Bound.Health



Liliana Dias
Boundmakers Review

Women, Mother, Doer, Student, Circler, Traveler, Book Addict and an engaged Citizen of the World!