Give leaders better tools not just soft skills

Liliana Dias
Boundmakers Review
2 min readJul 13, 2023


Leaders already have been upskilling and reskilling their own leadership competence and skills’ portefolio these past few years. A different leadership toolkit is demanded by the new economic, social and environmental context.

A more sensitive and humanistic leadership approach shows to be more aligned with people’s needs and expectations but also organisational performance and resiliency.

The process is underway but it is critical to understand that the focus shouldn’t be just on soft or power skills. If we all just focus on training, coaching and conversations we lack the critical opportunity to enable leaders with better tools and instruments to help them mitigate risks, make the right decisions, anticipate scenarios and act in a preventive way.

In order to boost leadership impact on human sustainability, leaders need to have at their disposable agile, tangible and proactive risk assessment and educational and supportive resources for all (not just for leaders).

Building health literacy (mental health but not only) through training and webinars could be useful and trendy, but organisations need to build organisational level competence, addressing contextual and work determinants of health, in order to achieve positive health outcomes at systems level.

At Bound we believe we are at a turning point and our clients and partners share this urgency to equip all players within the organisations with smarter, safer, individualised and digitalised health guidance and support. And AI will be there to enable us to move further and faster if we start by doing the basics right.

Empowering leaders means equip them with tactical knowledge and critical tools, making sure they don’t need to be experts in health to act proactively and aligned with their people’s challenges. And we are here for the challenge, working closely with our clients and learning in an accelerated way how to enable higher maturity levels of health management within each and every organisational context.

So in this edition of our review we get back to leaders’ challenge and their critical impact in our blog post. We also suggest a great book “Leaders Eats Last — Why some teams pull together and others don’t” by Simon Sinek and to watch a great Ted Talk by Gitte Frederiksen “Great Leadership Is a Network, Not a Hierarchy”.

Do take part in this conversation by leaving a comment on our blog or replying to

Let’s walk the talk and implement better tools for leaders and for all, shall we?

Liliana Dias (she/her)

Managing Partner @Bound.Health



Liliana Dias
Boundmakers Review

Women, Mother, Doer, Student, Circler, Traveler, Book Addict and an engaged Citizen of the World!