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Sustaining Humans

Liliana Dias
Boundmakers Review
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2023


Considering the recently approved European Union directive that requires large companies to disclose relevant information on their ESG performance, we have a clear opportunity to increase transparency, accountability and sustainability in the business sector, as well as encourage investors and stakeholders too consider the non-financial impacts of their decisions.

One of the key aspects of ESG reporting is human sustainability (within the ‘S’) which refers to the ability of an organisation to maintain and enhance the health, wellbeing and thriving of its people. We may argue that Human sustainability is not only a moral and ethical responsibility, but it is also a strategic advantage for any organisation that wants to achieve long-term success and competitiveness.

Research has shown that human sustainability can lead to positive outcomes such as improved productivity, innovation, customer satisfaction, retention, reputation and profitability. Moreover, human sustainability can help organisations to cope with challenges and opportunities of the changing world of work, such as digitalisation, globalisation, diversity, and social unrest.

It seems so clear to us @Bound that we are at a turning point but if we are not careful we could again miss it. In the end large companies first, and later SMEs, could just enforce a blind compliance approach without collecting any positive impact on people or planet.

Based on a thriving vision for our future, we joined forces with SHL Portugal to create a comprehensive organisational assessment on key human sustainability dimensions such as diversity, inclusion, health, and wellbeing, the Inclusiveness Index.

Through the participation in this index you can get solid results based on validated scales, benchmark across different industries, identify gaps, collect actionable insights and recommendations for improved human sustainability in your organisation. Do register for free to participate in this index here.

So in this edition of our review we will invite you to explore the concept of human sustainability in our blog post. We also suggest a great book “Human Sustainability — towards dysfunction or growth” by Lucien A. C. Malins, and to watch an inspiring great Ted Talk by Hannah Ritchie “Are we the last generation — or the first sustainable one?”.

For us enabling Human Sustainability is embedded in our our vision and mission and we are making the journey with many #boundmakers who share our commitment and passion. Thank you for joining us.

Do take part in this conversation by leaving a comment on our blog or replying to

Liliana Dias (she/her) Managing Partner @ Bound.Health



Liliana Dias
Boundmakers Review

Women, Mother, Doer, Student, Circler, Traveler, Book Addict and an engaged Citizen of the World!