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What is our end game?

Liliana Dias
Boundmakers Review
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2023


End of the year means end of a cycle. Great time to review our people’s strategy for next year and perhaps enable better decisions, better actions and of course, greater impact.

This year was particularly demanding, we all had to adapt to a fast-paced and negative environment with a lot of challenges and risks, but also equivalent opportunities.

The economic context changed radically and the key questions needed to be addressed, again and again, as we grasped the inevitable sustainability core challenge.

Are we as an organisation committed to our people or we just want to seem to be committed? Are we enabling people’s growth and flourishing or are we exhausting and sickening them?

At Bound.Health we have been reviewing our year also. A lot of lessons learned this year. We have a lot to celebrate but at the same time it was one of the most hardworking year for the team.

The year demanded a lot of learning and flexibility to adapt to the ever changing needs of our clients and it is now the time to understand how we can better balance the demands and resources for next year, while ensuring we grow in a sustainable way and keep delivering high value to all our partner organisations.

The healthy organisation challenge is quite clear. We need to focus on the long-term game and leave behind the short-term and quite unsustainable game of appearances.

People washing is no longer acceptable since the results need to speak for themselves, every year, not just in reporting, but in the full integration into the value chain of the future aligned organisation.

So in this edition of our review we end this year teasing you with the persistent wellbeing mirage in our blog post. We also suggest a great book by Constantinos C. Markides “Organizing for the New Normal” and invite you to be inspired by this great Psych Health and Safety podcast episode with Rachel Clements that dives deep on Wellbeing washing.

We have the possibility to radically change the course for 2024 and stop doing what we already know doesn’t work. First, by acknowledging the fact that the status quo is not sustainable anymore particularly the one that concerns the promotion of the health and wellbeing people in toxic and poorly managed organisational contexts.

Do take part in this conversation by leaving a comment on our blog or replying to

Liliana Dias (she/her)

Managing Partner @ Bound.Health



Liliana Dias
Boundmakers Review

Women, Mother, Doer, Student, Circler, Traveler, Book Addict and an engaged Citizen of the World!