Introducing Boundless

Nolan Evans
Boundless Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2019

In today’s world, we benefit from previously unimaginable technology — yet creators can’t easily build web applications. People are forced to use static website builders that are too simple and rigid, then will inevitably need to hire an engineering team. But this team will be tasked with solving the same problems that have already been solved — many times over — by other engineering teams at other companies. How many times have user authentication and authorization been built? How many times have companies built another system to leave comments? Countless times. Siloed tools create natural divides which lead to miscommunication across teams. The results fall short of the creator’s original vision while wasting time and money.

Meanwhile, today’s out-of-the-box solutions each only focus on one discipline: creating beautiful websites for people with no design background, or building databases for people with no engineering background. But applications need to be built holistically, with both design and data in mind. Boundless brings all aspects of web apps into one coherent, easy-to-use platform, closing the gap between intention and execution.

Boundless is building the new standard for how web apps will be built. We’re offering a tool that will help anyone easily build beautiful, data-backed web apps. On the front end, you can create a consistent look and feel by updating your fonts and overall theme in one place. On the backend, Boundless forms save data in a way that will let you use it throughout your site. You can display data and content dynamically with variants and formulas, allowing you to show changing information to your visitors based on rules you set. For example, prompting your customer to refer their first friend, or their next friend. Sending an email the moment an order is ready. Updating inventory count in real time. There’s so much more, and we’re just getting started.

Our mission is to empower creators to turn their ideas into reality. This idea started to form three years ago as we worked with business teams and clients and saw a need for a holistic web tool. While the company formally started in late 2017, our entire careers as engineers and designers have been preparing us to tackle this problem.

We’re extremely excited to announce the launch of our public beta today. If you’re interested in learning more about how Boundless can help you, drop us a line at contact [at] boundlesslabs [dot] com or visit

