Medium Update

Medium Promises to Rectify Low Earnings

Good News for Writers Struggling with Low Earnings

Kristi Makusha
Boundless Bytes


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on pexels

Kristi writes about everything she finds interesting and helpful to share with people. She writes what you need, not what she just wants. She supports new talent. Use this link to receive an email ensuring Kristi’s latest stories come directly to your inbox.

Table of Contents:

The Long Wait for Answers
The Official Update: A Sigh of Relief
Why This Matters to Me
The Backbone of Medium
The "If" in the Statement: A Cause for Concern?
The Road Ahead
Final Thoughts

We’re halfway through October already, and the atmosphere is electric with excitement. The wait for an official comment regarding the poor earnings situation on Medium since September 25 has been excruciating. However, Medium has finally broken its silence, and the news is fantastic.

The Long Wait for Answers

I contacted Medium Support, like many of you probably have, to ask about the significant drop in income. There was a long period of waiting with very little communication. I kept checking my inbox for new information, but nothing new appeared.

At long last, someone from Medium Support responded to my inquiry. They claimed that the poor revenues were the result of scammers breaking into the platform. In essence, this is the case.

The Official Update: A Sigh of Relief

Just when I thought all hope was lost, Medium issued an official update that lifted my spirits.

“We will be re-calculating and applying earning adjustments to all writers that were affected by the activity of the fraudulent accounts,” the statement read.

“If your account was impacted, you will see a credit on your October earnings report by the end of this month.”

This is the best news I’ve received so far. I had resigned myself to the idea that the bot hack had caused irreversible damage. But it seems luck is on our side, and Medium is committed to making things right.

Why This Matters to Me

A few years ago, I was a victim of credit card fraud, and I remember the sinking feeling of helplessness, endless calls to customer service, and agonizing wait.

I am reminded of Medium’s recent debacle when the issue was resolved and the funds were returned. The feeling of being wronged, the waiting for answers, and finally the promise of resolution are similar to this situation. It restores my faith in the platform and its commitment to its writers.

The Backbone of Medium

Medium’s statement also emphasized that writers are the backbone of the platform.

“Protecting Partner Program writer earnings from fraud is our top priority,” they assured us.

This acknowledgment is not just lip service; it’s a promise to safeguard our hard work and dedication.

The “If” in the Statement: A Cause for Concern?

Despite the good news, I still have a lingering sense of unease. The official statement says,

“If your account was impacted,”

which made me pause. I thought the hack affected all of us, so why the “if”? But then again, worrying won’t solve anything. I choose to trust Medium’s leadership and continue to contribute to a platform that has been rewarding in more ways than one.

The Road Ahead

So, what do we do now? We’re still waiting, but this time with more hope. We anticipate a credit adjustment to our earnings report by the month’s end of October. It’s progress, and it’s more than a lot of other platforms would offer.

Final Thoughts

When compared to other digital platforms, Medium’s dedication to its authors is refreshing. While the attack was certainly a setback, the way the platform is responding to it is what really sets it apart. Medium has pleasantly surprised me by returning some of my investment. And I appreciate it.

Therefore, let us continue to write, share, and have faith in a platform that supports us. Best of luck to us, comrades. Let’s anticipate celebrating our hard work and good fortune when October ends.



Kristi Makusha
Boundless Bytes

I write what you need, not what I want. I don't believe in niche writing. Having knowledge about everything is sexy. Top writer in Writing