Boundless Perspectives: An Introduction

Diana Geman-Wollach
Boundless Perspectives
3 min readAug 6, 2020
Photo by Tobias Keller on Unsplash

Welcome to Boundless Perspectives, a space to share a piece of my innermost thoughts and ideas. A space for introspective writing.

Why Boundless Perspectives? Because what you’ll find here will be honest thoughts, feelings, analyses and questions on topics ranging from travel and philosophy, to body image and family; literature and politics, to work and relationships. There are no bounds to what might come up, and these are meant to start conversations and challenge ideas rather than provide clear-cut answers. I hope you’ll join me on the journey with an open mind and a kind heart.

Before we dive in, here’s a little bit about me. I’m a thirty-something half-Swiss, half-Australian woman who grew up in Geneva, went to Brown University in Providence, moved to New York for six years, and now lives in London. I love writing, music, theatre, literature, travel, fitness, food, and television.

I’ve been journaling on and off since I was ten years old, and it has brought me so much over the years — both in the act of writing and when spontaneously or deliberately revisiting past entries. Looking inwards and expressing oneself without fear of judgment, purely for the purpose of processing information and feelings, is something I can’t recommend enough.

Professionally, I’ve worked mostly in marketing, both in the corporate world and as a freelancer. While I picked a more creative path, there was a time when I could have just as easily gone into maths or science. I still wonder what my parallel life as an astrophysicist would look like… After getting married in 2017, my husband and I embarked on a six-month adventure around the world. We worked remotely in seven cities we’d never visited to experience foreign cultures in a new way. It was life-changing.

I’ve enjoyed a mostly charmed life so far, with a few childhood events that shaped me, like my parents living on opposite sides of the world, and the impact of my grandparents surviving WWII. While I’m definitely an Extrovert (ENFJ for those MBTI fans), I often struggle to share too much about myself — even writing all this makes me very self-conscious. I feel it’s important to do, though, so you have a better understanding of my background when you read my posts.

With that, I bid you welcome once again. I hope my articles will inspire you to think more deeply about all the things around us, question beliefs, unpack feelings, and open your heart to new ideas and ideals. I can’t wait to hear what you find, and I whole-heartedly invite you to speak your mind and share your boundless perspectives with me, whatever they are.

PS. You may find the occasional poem embedded in my posts. If you like them, check out more of my poetry on Midnight Plume.



Diana Geman-Wollach
Boundless Perspectives

Writer, poet, traveller, marketer. Loves music, theatre, literature, fitness. Will never say no to karaoke.