Announcing #Zenchain at Devcon V

We’re incentivizing mindfulness, community togetherness and fun as we head to Japan for Devcon V

Simona Pop
Bounties Network
3 min readOct 3, 2019


2019 is drawing to a close and since we’re heading to the land of Zen for Devcon V, we thought it was high time for the community to recenter, regroup and recharge. This year was yet another wild ride across the cryptoverse and began with a chilly Crypto Winter that froze token holders in their seats. Low prices created the perfect environment for crypto-startups to gain greater focus, demonstrating product and market fit before raising money. This gave way to an incubation period that blossomed into #CryptoSpring then burst into #ETHSommer just in time for Berlin Blockchain Week.

Let’s Go Zen

As we come together and start the countdown to the end of 2019, we decided to create a space for us all to not only celebrate our connection IRL but also encourage a whole host of activities designed to unwind, enrich and relax. The will be the place for everyone to tap into and add that layer of relaxation and fun to their Devcon proceedings. A rewarding experience for all involved. The platform is also fully translated in Japanese when accessed from a browser with Japan as primary language.

We’ve joined forces with Pepo, MakerDAO, Gitcoin, OffDevcon, Status, Opera & more to bring you an array of incentives and Zen inducing experiences. Here are just some of the things you can already get excited about:

The Pepo team have just launched their app and it’s already lighting up the cryptoverse. See what the fuss is all about and earn cash as you submit various proofs of your Japan experience via 30 second videos on the app.

The OFFDevcon Ethermon bounty

The team at OFFDevcon created Ethermon a list of twenty five Etherians you might want to meet or hear speak. And since we’re all going to be in Japan, why not give it a Pokemon theme.

OFFDevcon are a community initiative to promote everything that’s happening outside of Ethereum Devcon. This year they’re showing everyone traveling down to Osaka that there’s more than just ETH, with over 80 events, hackathons, workshops, parties, and more. Check out all events at the OFFDevcon Events Calendar.

What better way to celebrate the land of Karaoke than proof of “Big in Japan”? We already know a good few Devcon V attendees eagerly awaiting their turn in the neon spotlight so this should get everyone involved.

There will be over $7,000 in various tokens up for grabs so the more bounties you complete, the more your trip to Japan will pay for itself! Bookmark the and make sure you check it everyday for new incentives!

See you all in Osaka for a bountiful #DevconV and if you have ideas for more Zen bounties, let us know on Twitter. 🇯🇵



Simona Pop
Bounties Network

Head of Community @ethstatus | Co-founder @ethbounties, creative & speaker. Omelette eater.