Start Your Very Own Bounty Network at ETHDenver

Mark Beylin
Bounties Network
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2018


Ethereum hackathons are magical. They’re a place to meet bright people, share ideas, and learn from your peers. They’re also a place to compete and build applications that will change the world. It was at ETHWaterloo ’17 when CryptoKitties first launched their Alpha, and the smartest minds in the ecosystem came together to talk through their plans for scaling Ethereum.

Vlad Zamfir and Ethan Buchman discussing Proof of Stake Consensus Mechanisms at ETHWaterloo 2017

With ETHDenver just around the corner, the Bounties Network is excited to sponsor the event and work with Gitcoin to host our BEST bounties track yet!

There are more than $5000 worth of bounties available for you to work on during the event.

Since our inception, the Bounties Network has been a free platform designed for incentivizing task completion across verticals and industries. We’ve worked with Gitcoin and Status Open Bounty on StandardBounties, a simple contract interface for putting bounties up on any task, paying in any token on Ethereum. As we’ve watched the community begin to employ bounties, we’ve become fascinated with the cool use cases people have found for them.

What We’re Looking For

We want you to build your own bounty network. We want to see the cool applications people can build, using bounties to incentivize task completion wherever they desire. Some examples of this are:

  • Stack-Overflow Bounties: Bounties on questions, built either by integrating with the current stack overflow site, or by building a new site for incentivized questions.
  • Information Bounties: In the 21st century, information is power. Let people put bounties on research & information gathering.
  • Mentorship Bounties: People are already paying for mentorship through private organizations. Open mentorship up to everyone by using bounties that are accessible across the internet!
  • Design Bounties: Basically 99 designs, letting people put bounties on graphics they need designed.

And this list is just the beginning! We don’t care if you pick one of these options or come up with your own, we just want to see the awesome dApps that can be built using bounties.

Requirements for Submissions:

  • Your submission must be open source (we don’t care which license you choose)
  • Your submission must employ the StandardBounties.sol contract for some non-trivial purpose in the application
  • The team must present their submission to the Bounties Network team on Sunday Feb 18

While we are attaching a 1 ETH prize to this effort, we’re keen to find collaborators to work with even after the hackathon is over. If you’re interested, we’ll also work with you long after this event is complete to help you spin this up into a fully-fledged production application.

This ETHDenver, build something you’re proud of. Start your own bounty network to change the way we incentivize each other.

We can’t wait to see you at ETHDenver! Come find us for some new Bounties Network swag, and to learn about what’s coming up for us in 2018.

Looking For a Job?
We’re hiring a
Front End Developer 📱, Senior Product Designer 🎨, and a Data Scientist 💻.

Want to Keep in Touch?

Special thanks to Simona Pop from the Bounties Network and Vivek Singh from Gitcoin for their contributions to this post.

