The Bounties Network x ETHSF: Blockchain Work is Community Work

The Bounties Network is launching a bespoke SF bounty network with rewards in any ERC20 token.

Simona Pop
Bounties Network
3 min readSep 25, 2018


Our partnership with ETHGlobal has been growing steadily over the past few months and to celebrate our third collaboration, this time for ETHSF — the world’s largest Ethereum hackathon — we decided to create a bespoke bounty network with rewards in any ERC20 token. That’s right, projects and attendees will be able to stake rewards and earn any token on Ethereum.

Having created bespoke tokens at ETHIndia and ETHBerlin already, we wanted to give projects in our space the forum to incentivize action and creatively engage the community.

Projects will be able to create bounties for a whole host of tasks and stake rewards in their own tokens or ETH. We are expecting this to be much more than an experiment, we see it as a way to incentivize, organize and create community impact in a tangible manner.

Why San Francisco?

As the ETHSF organizers point out:

“San Francisco is famous for being the heart of big tech. But it’s also become a symbol of what can go wrong when too much power is concentrated in one place. The most recent wave of “unicorns” that made San Francisco what it is today were built by exploiting users — by spying on them, by controlling their data and identities, and by selling that data to third parties.”

So really, there is no better place to hold a hackathon dedicated to transparency, privacy and decentralization. Bringing over 1,000 developers together, from the Bay area, across the US, and from around the world, the ETHSF weekend will be about “hacking on the technology that will ultimately unseat the large companies and venture firms sitting just down the road.”

#BUIDLing Web3

One of the main things we’ve realized while expanding the use of bounties to non tech verticals is that anyone can #BUIDL. You do not have to have a tech background to get involved. It’s why the activations and engagements that we’ve been running at ETHGlobal events have been broader, more inclusive and definitely fun ways to interact with a live decentralized application on Ethereum and earn tokens. It’s making Ethereum accessible beyond existing core audiences.

You know the drill by now, the SF bounty network will be live on Mainnet and is built using our StandardBounties Protocol. It will use ETH or any ERC20 token for all reward payments and will form the framework for community incentivization and organization during ETHSF and any SF Blockchain related initiatives thereafter.

These engagement exercises are all about inclusivity, expanding the use of blockchain into simple real-world applications that allow users to engage with Ethereum across verticals.

Examples of Potential Bounties on SF.Bounties.Network

  1. Onboarding Bounties — all are designed to help a new user walk through the basic steps to get setup with a wallet and access to the SF Bounties Network
    a) Post a screenshot of your first posted bounty.
  2. Community Bounties
    a) Wear an ETHSF T-shirt for an hour
    b) Submit a video of your experience at ETHSF
    c) If you could bounty anything in the world, what would it be?
    d) Best sticker at ETHSF
    e) Best photo feat. Vitalik Buterin or Vlad Zamfir
  3. Collaboration Bounties
    a) I’m looking for 3 engineers to review some current code I have on the go and provide 10 minutes of in person feedback
    b) I’m looking for someone who can make introductions to great designers in the dApp space
    c) Create a theme tune for ETHSF or San Francisco
  4. Feedback Bounties
    a) Submit synopses of talks & workshops you loved most
    b) Tweet a quote, image or video using the #ETHSF hashtag and attribute to relevant projects

See you in San Francisco & get those bounties up!

Follow us on Twitter for live ETHSF action, join our community or subscribe to our updates for all future community engagement action.

Our thanks to the awesome ETHGlobal team!



Simona Pop
Bounties Network

Head of Community @ethstatus | Co-founder @ethbounties, creative & speaker. Omelette eater.