My 10 Favorite Italian Words Which You Cannot Translate Directly Into English

Robert W. Locke
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2020


Photo by Bogdan Dada on Unsplash

Every language has words that do not translate directly into English or any other language. Italian is no exception.

I always complain that the Italian media is borrowing English words and using them inappropriately all over the place. In the news, on social media, in advertising. You name it. English is up there and it gets worse by the day.

I always say that Italian words are perfectly adequate to express what people want to say and hear. But no, the trend is to have every broadcast peppered with English words. Here are some examples:-

  • Weekend
  • Meeting
  • Serial killer
  • Stalking
  • Spending review
  • Party (not the political one!)
  • Selfie

I could go on and on.

Fortunately, the traffic is not all one way. Lots of Italian words have been borrowed by English speaking countries and they are mostly connected with food, music, or fashion. I wonder why!

  • Al dente (for pasta which must not be overcooked but firm to the tooth)
  • Cappuccino
  • Espresso
  • Latte



Robert W. Locke

Health & fitness, mental health, life lessons, humor & satire. Contact: colbor at yahoo dot com