Bountyhub at CGC 2019
Published in
1 min readOct 25, 2019

Hello guys!

Check some limitless emotions which we gain from two days of being on the Crypto Games Conference in Kyiv. We had a great journey through the contests, presenting our platform in all its glory at the stand and keeping community tuned!

It was a great example of the Bountyhub Platform. And we excited quite a lot of interest at the event. We gained much cooperation with open-minded clients and received many influencers to make our platform even more interesting!

Foremost themes of the conference concentrated around: blockchain gaming, crypto ecosystems, and various services and we explained what Bountyhub has been up to recently, and what we have planned for the enthusiastic future! It was a gratifying opportunity to show our product to investors and people behind modern products and services!

We presented the Bountyhub to many influencers and freelancers from the area. It was a great desire to meet everyone in one place and get some fruitful communications and plan some ultimate collaboration!

Thanks to you — CGC team!

