…. and the Earth?

Another day in Whereland.

Dominika Belanská
A Bouquet of Her Hair
1 min readMay 23, 2022


She talks to me in our own sacred language of signs
wherever I look through the punch in my heart
whenever I allow my inner magic child
to explore Her creation

I trespass mind’s customs — either I get fudge-sweet kiss
or step into poison ivy

The same base, the same matter of Life
a very different climate: hot, cooled down.

First I need to ground then root
into this new reality game….

…. where I observe second by second things I can’t undo from becoming trash

…. where I can only pray for trees in private hands

…. where I need to reach in and stretch for real nourishment

I am not bottled nor served in plastic
Anyone bought me yet? And who owns me anyway?!

I hope it’s You, my Earth,
You, big ball of Love & Land
I lay down my face on Your face
I relax into the joy, the shame, the victory, the fail….

I taste the blend of everything
right here where I am your child
and again we may play
until I’m sleepy



‘…. and the Earth’ by Dominika Belanská, 2022



Dominika Belanská
A Bouquet of Her Hair

Poetess, singer, song-writer, dancer…. Collector of divine beauty for publication ‘A Bouquet of Her Hair’ — https://medium.com/bouquet-of-her-hair