Listen to the rain

A poem to be whispered.


My hair curl and frizz in damp air
but if there is a way to know —
it is stepping out into each day
without umbrella

I listen to the rain with ears
and hear it whispering
about the water that perspired
and moved across atmosphere
and reached this valley in full bloom

I listen to the rain with palms of my hands
and hear it whispering
about the different kinds of love
about the time that’s needed
to fall from skies to earth

I listen to the rain with my skin
it’s blessing the soil embossing
each meander of Her terrain….

I wanna be this brave too!
Lie open, breathe, receive
the surrender of clouds

Whoever is conducting
this magnetic orchestra
listen to the rain with me
falling in /Earth with/ love



‘Listen to the rain ‘ by Dominika Belanská, 2021–2022



Dominika Belanská
A Bouquet of Her Hair

Poetess, singer, song-writer, dancer…. Collector of divine beauty for publication ‘A Bouquet of Her Hair’ —