Examining Identity

Know Thyself (Throughout)

An illuminating journey of personality type not using the faulty Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test

The Secret Aspirant
Published in
21 min readDec 22, 2020


Stack of clipboards as a metaphor to the multiple personalities or tests one might take or discover about themselves.
Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

2020 in Hindsight

We normally would say ‘Hindsight is 2020’ but this year just doesn’t get that satisfying designation — the nightmares go on, and I can only look back warily — thus ‘2020 in Hindsight’ instead. But at least if this year can be remembered or credited for elucidating some things gratefully for me, it would have to be the kick in the butt to take writing more seriously, to get more educated about politics, and to re-discover and embrace my personality type. 2020 is not the year I will forget nor need to be reminded of the pandemic and subsequent tragedies and unprecedented struggles affecting all of us, but it will certainly be the year that has engendered the turning point for preparing myself for survival (psychological, creative, familial, financial, marital, professional and personal).

This is part of that core journey that documents how I came around to allowing myself to be finally ‘typed’ and how it should get better from here.

The Internal Conflict to Take the Test



The Secret Aspirant
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Human. Inspired by real courage & the pursuit of enlightenment. Advocate of values that foster the flourish of authenticity, diversity of perspectives & voices.