Making Connections in a Busy World

Ron Fisher
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2017

4 Easy Ways to Connect Between Visits

Let’s make those customers :)

In the land of opportunity, being able to get on up through elbow grease and ingenuity has been woven into our culture since its inception. It is no coincidence that the same man who coined the mantras “early to bed, early to rise…” and “time is money,” was an architect of our national philosophy — and we have 🏃 with it. Psychology Today reports that Americans now, more than ever, and more than anyone else in the world, equate being busy with wealth and status. The consequence of our new and accelerated pace in life is that we are putting the grind ahead of two critical elements of happiness and wellbeing: self-care and relationships.

In the customer service industry, this has translated into a less personalized experience for customers across the board. With technological innovations, including booking services, we have become more efficient at working with our customers at the expense of providing a sense of connection. That dip in the human experience has provided a big blow to brand loyalty. Using text messaging to personalize your interactions with customers won’t only set you apart from the get-go, but it will help maintain a connection with customers over time. It’s simple, really: When customers feel cared for, they come back.

Here are 4 Easy Ways to Connect Between Visits:

A real life Bowtie powered Thank You Note!
  1. Say “thank you.” Remember when your mom used to make you sit at the kitchen table to write a “thank you” note to Grandmama after your birthday? You can bet that made G-ma feel pretty good. Well, this timeless practice is just as important in your client relationships. Letting people know that you appreciate their business makes them feel good, and will encourage return visits.
  2. Send a simple reminder that sounds personal. How many times have you signed up for a class, booked a massage, or scheduled a haircut and completely forgot it was in your calendar? In our uber-busy society, this happens to everyone — including your clients. Reach out a day or so before their appointment. But don’t just robotically remind them, let them know you’re looking forward to seeing them. Not only will it jog their memory, but it will feel good for them to know you’re anticipating their visit.
  3. Show them you’re paying attention. Where is that client who came to your Tuesday afternoon Hot Vinyasa class every week for a month and then just dropped off the face of the earth? Don’t be afraid to reach out. Demonstrating that you’re paying attention shows you care about your customers. Sometimes people just need to be reminded to take the time to do the things that make them feel good. Knowing they’re missed adds another layer of accountability and keeps them coming back. Send a simple, “Hi, we noticed you’ve been away. We miss you! Hope to see you at vinyasa soon!” You could even let them know when their favorite teacher is teaching next.
  4. Ask for feedback. Have a dedicated client? Ask them to let you know what they think. A simple, “How did you like the class?” or “What can we be doing better?” will make them feel like you value their opinion, and provide insight as to how your business is perceived.
Because ultimately technology can make us feel more connected!

Taking the extra step to connect with your clients is proven to improve retention and brand loyalty, so how do you find the time to reach out? After all, you’re just as busy as the rest of us. Believe it or not, automation can get the ball rolling. Bowtie keeps connection and relationships on the front burner, and its custom AI interface ensures interactions are as personal as the real thing. After all, in a world where “time is money,” communication is still key.

Take a tour of the the platform here.

