So you’ve decided to start messaging your customers….

Ron Fisher
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2017

A guide for those who are afraid to ask for guidance.

Ladies and Gentleman,

Messaging is here for you but are you as a business ready for it? It’s exciting times ahead but it’s also dangerous times. That’s why I’m here to give you the 🔑 to your messaging success…

I present to you:


Live by these rules and your customers will ❤️ you forever — break them and you will turn your customers 😊️ into 😡.

Even Moses is getting on the fun.
  1. DON’T send unsolicited PROMO codes especially if a user has opted out from receiving them — (if you are sending promo codes, segment and time your texts accordingly, and make feel personal and relevant!)
Please. Just don’t.

2. DO NOT USE ALL CAPS. It looks like you are SHOUTING at the customer :) This one is pretty important people. (Yes, I recognize the irony of my using caps throughout this piece but it is for emphasis not messaging!)

This is terrifying to your customers.

3. that reminds me, DO use EMOJIS and sound friendly, even throwing in a GIF now and then.

Ain’t no party like an emoji party 🎉

4. DO SEND Thanks You’s and follow up with customers about their experience.

A little thanks goes a looooong way.

5. DON’T leave a customer HANGING.

Bye bye customer.

6. DO make your 🤖 SMARTER by adding new questions to the FAQ!

Don’t let a good bot go to waste.

Don’t Forget:

Customers want to know what they are getting when they opt into messaging with you. They are trusting you with the most sacred space on their phone — don’t take advantage! If they ever say STOP you must stop sending all promotional texts unless they opt in again online.

Please do have a personality and we encourage you to use EMOJIS and GIFs for that purpose! Maybe most important is to never leave any customer behind. There’s nothing worse then having a customer take the time and effort to reach out to you… but you missed it. With Bowtie you should never miss a customer and your bot is there to help! The auto response will buy you time but if your bot fails or they ask for a human someone needs to be there. These are your customers wanting to give you their money 💸💸💸 ! Turn on Email notifications, turn on text notifications — whatever it is you have to do!!!

And seriously — have fun!

Your customers on phone and email.
Your customers on Bowtie.

Want to get it on the fun? Head to Bowtie to get on the messaging 🚂!

All aboard!

