Advanced workflow customization with new Box Sign features

Olga Stefaniuk
Box Developer Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2024

We are thrilled to announce new features related to Box Sign, that allow developers to create even more advanced e-signature workflows.

New Box Sign webhooks

Webhooks related to Box Sign

Box Sign webhooks enable you to receive notifications about events that occur during the signature request process.​​ You can use them to trigger actions in your own applications or notify your users about events happening in Box Sign.​​ This is particularly important since the signature requests are asynchronous, and signers may interact with them at any time, potentially outside of your application.​ ​So far, there have been four webhooks related to Box Sign.​ ​These webhooks are triggered by the following actions: sign request completed, declined, expired, or signer email bounced.​

Recently, we have introduced three additional webhooks to enhance the customization options for e-signature workflows:

  • signature requested
  • signer signed
  • error finalizing.

This opens up a lot of possibilities for customisation and might be connected to another new feature:

Suppress notifications flag

Suppress notification UI

A new powerful feature is related to enabling developers to suppress the default Box email notifications during Sign workflow.​​ Once the suppress_notifications flag is set it to true for a particular signer and embed_url_external_user_id parameter is specified, the automatic Box Sign emails are turned off.​​

As a result, as a developer you can handle the signer signed event and send a custom email template that can be sent from your domain. You can even trigger messages via a different notification mechanisms like push notifications or text messages.​

Here you can see an example flow including both features. The default Box Sign emails for a signer are turned off thanks to the suppress notification flag.​ Once the signer signs the document, the new webhook signer_signed is triggered.​​ This give you power to deliver much more tailored and customised user experience.​

An example Box Sign workflow including a suppress notification flag and a signer signed webhook handled with a custom notification

⚠️ When you choose to suppress Box email notifications, your organization assumes responsibility for ensuring the delivery to Signers of all notifications at the appropriate time in the signing process and with the appropriate content, in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including with respect to obtaining Signer consent to the delivery methods used, if applicable.

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