Box CLI v1.3.0 Released

Jonathan LeBlanc
Box Developer Blog
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2018

Today, we are announcing the general availability of version 1.3.0 of the Box CLI. This release includes a number of bug fixes and new commands, including:

  • Support for Box Multizones: Adds support for Box Multizones for data residency. New commands may be accessed via box storage-policies …
  • New CLI config dump command: Adds the ability to dump the Box config file as a single string, optionally with escaped quotes, in order to copy the value to an environment variable or config property (for example, in AWS or Azure). This new option may be accessed via box configure environments dump-config
  • Fix for user CSV operations: Fixes a bug that prevented users from saving user data to CSV files. This fix repairs errors produced with the following command: box users list --file-format CSV --save
  • Ability to set can_non_owners_invite flag on folder updates: Allows setting whether non-owners of a file can invite others. This new flag is available on box folders update …

For more information on using the Box CLI, see the available documentation.



Jonathan LeBlanc
Box Developer Blog

Emmy award winner, O'Reilly author, open source contributor, Senior Director of Developer Advocacy at Box.