Box Platform Developer Day Chicago + CCS LIVE

Alex Novotny
Box Developer Blog
Published in
1 min readApr 16, 2024

We have a new city to announce for our Box Platform Developer Day series.

⛲️🍕 Chicago 🍕⛲

Join the 📦 Box Developer Relations team IN PERSON on May 15th, 2024 at Box Chicago from 8:30am–4:30pm CT for a day full of tips/tricks, tutorials, and hands on exercises. We will be showing off the full gamut of developer options & tools, including getting started, CLI, SDKs, and Box AI.

In addition to the developer content, we will be airing the Box Cloud Content Summit LIVE in the morning for all of us to watch.

Enjoy some breakfast & lunch on us. Participants will receive a link after the event for some free Box Platform swag.

Who doesn’t love a free t-shirt? 👕

At the end of the day, we will also have a social mixer — drinks included!

Register today! ✅

You don’t want to miss it.

Thoughts? Comments? Feedback?

Drop us a line on our community forum.



Alex Novotny
Box Developer Blog

I’m a Box Developer Advocate, helping others learn how to maximize their investment through Box Platform.