Join our new Box Developer Community!

Olga Stefaniuk
Box Developer Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2023

“The most important things in life are the connections you make with others.”

Tom Ford

Development can be rewarding, but sometimes it can also be frustrating. That’s why having the right place to ask burning questions is priceless. As a response to developer needs, problems, and questions Box is launching a community forum where professionals and enthusiasts can come together to exchange ideas, solve issues, and foster a sense of community within the Box tech realm. The community is also dedicated to Box administrators who are looking for ways to automate and improve productivity. It’s a place where everybody is welcomed, all technologies and all levels of seniority.

✨ Join our new Box Developer Community and…

1️⃣ Connect

Make connections with developers and administrators from across different industries, cultures, and geographies worldwide interested in developing apps around Box services and products. Interact directly with the Box Developer Relations team and other top Box engineering professionals.

2️⃣ Learn

Get helpful information covering common issues faced while coding against various Box Platform and product endpoints. Learn from other community members and experts who might have faced similar questions or use cases.

3️⃣ Share experiences and become a community leader

Sharing is caring! Our new Developer Community is a great place to share knowledge and experience with others by answering questions, posting tutorials, and posting code snippets on how you solved specific problems in the past. The more active you are, the higher you are featured on the Box professional leaderboard!

4️⃣ Collaborate

Work together towards common goals — creating innovative solutions using the Box Platform. With posts, private messages, and chat functionality, you can easily collaborate with your peers to work through complex problems in real-time.

5️⃣ Get Support

Count on our team of experts when things don’t go as planned while coding against any API endpoint to ensure a smooth developer journey with fewer hiccups! Need a hand debugging your code? Want to discuss software architecture? Seeking an opinion on new trends and tools? Let’s get together and use the power of collective intelligence to overcome coding challenges!

6️⃣ Provide feedback

We greatly value the feedback and suggestions from our community members. We will actively seek input to enhance the Box Platform’s features and usability and decrease the entry threshold for Box tools. Our Developer Relations team is also open to suggestions related to documentation, developer blog content, and other developer-specific resources. Come and talk to us!

7️⃣ Stay up to date

Finally, get notifications related to the newest features, updates, developer-focused events, blog posts, hackathons, and more!

By nurturing a dynamic developer ecosystem of shared knowledge and learning, we aim to inspire continuous growth and development among our community members.

👋 See you at the Box Developer Community!

