OAuth 2.0 Custom Application Enablement

Barbara Czyż
Box Developer Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2022

Today, we improved the custom application approval flow, allowing OAuth 2.0 custom applications to be enabled more efficiently.

When you create a custom app, it is treated as unpublished until it makes it into the App Gallery. By default, unpublished apps do not require enablement; however, if your Box Admin changes the enterprise settings for apps, you will have to request approval before using your app.

To make things easier, we automated this process. If your app requires approval, you will see the Enablement tab in the Developer Console. Click Review and Submit to pass the app details to you Box Admin via email.

New Enablement tab

Additionally, the app will appear under User Authentication Apps in the Custom App Manager section of the Admin Console, where a Box Admin can review and approve it.

User Authentication Apps

If you are interested in the Custom App Manager and its features, have a look at the article exploring more Custom Apps Manager updates. It will provide you with additional details on how Box handles authentication and authorization of custom apps.

We hope you enjoy this new feature, and feel free to reach out to us on the developer forum for support, or via Box Pulse to make suggestions on how to improve the feature.

