Simplified App Creation Flow

Kourtney Meiss
Box Developer Blog
Published in
Nov 9, 2020

In an effort to streamline the app creation process and get you to your first API call as fast as possible, we simplified our new app creation flow! There are now three types of applications: Custom Apps, Limited Access Apps, and Box Custom Skills. We added plain language to describe exactly when to select each app type and links to relevant documentation if you require additional information to help with your selection. The application type you select impacts which authentication methods are available.

Once your selection is made, you will now be automatically redirected to your application’s configuration tab of the Developer Console. Here you can immediately finish configuring your application and generate a developer token to begin making API calls.

Limited Access Apps

Most notably, is our new app type, Limited Access Apps. Select this app type if you’d like to leverage Box View or Box’s preview services within another application. This app type only provides access to app token authentication, which has restricted API capabilities.

For full details, please visit our guide on selecting an app type.

