Tour of the Box Platform developer ecosystem

Olga Stefaniuk
Box Developer Blog
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, having access to a rich array of resources and support is key to driving innovation and staying ahead in the game. So why don’t you join me on a quick tour of the Box Platform developer ecosystem? 🪸 ⛵ Let’s explore all the developer resources available to help you embark on a journey with Box Platform.

First and foremost, welcome! We are happy you’re keen on exploring this ecosystem. Box Platform powers a variety of solutions. It extends our world-class content services, enterprise-grade security, and industry-leading compliance with APIs and developer tools. Whether you’re looking to optimize large-scale enterprise solutions 🐋, create custom portals and expand into new business areas 🦈, or automate your daily tasks as a Box admin 🐠, we are here to support you. Let’s dive in! 🤿 🦑

Free developer accounts

First, join our crew! 🌊 If you don’t have a free developer account, sign up today and create your create your first Box custom app.

Developer portal

I recommend starting your journey with our comprehensive developer portal. It serves as a roadmap to seamlessly integrate Box solutions into your applications. We have everything you need to start, from extensive guides to interactive API references.

Box Platform glossary

If you’re not familiar with Box nomenclature I highly recommend checking out our Box Platform glossary, or a shorter blog post with some basic concepts:

AI Dev Zone

Box AI Developer Zone is a new part of Box developer portal. It features interactive demos to give you hands-on experience with Box AI API. With a few clicks you can create prompts, view sample code, explore Box AI use cases. Use Box AI API to summarize a document in a selected tone of voice, extract document metadata suggestions to use in your apps, and more!

Sample code catalog

Explore an inspiring collection of sample apps in various programming languages crafted by both internal experts at Box and talented members of our developer community. These apps serve are real-world examples showcasing innovative ways in which Box Platform’s capabilities can be leveraged effectively.

Postman collections

Simplify Box API exploration with our curated Postman collection tailored specifically for interacting with Box APIs. Check endpoint responses, automate workflows, and streamline your development process effortlessly. You can start with a standard collection or check the advanced one that allows you to tackle multiple apps and environments.

Box UI Elements

Box UI Elements are pre-built UI components that allow to add elements of the main Box web application into your own applications. They can be used to navigate through, upload, preview, and select content stored on Box and are available both as React components and framework-agnostic JavaScript libraries. Check out my recent article featuring the Box AI in Content Preview UI Element:

Forum and community

Connect with a vibrant community of developers on our forum where knowledge sharing thrives! Seek advice from seasoned professionals, or share insights on best practices— all within a supportive environment designed to foster growth.

Box Platform Partner Program

You can also join as a Technology Partner and work closely with Box experts to take your products to market. You can get access to exclusive benefits, including technical enablement, sales, and marketing support. Check how to apply here.

Box Developer Blog

We publish blog posts related to Box Platform at least once a week. For Japanese speakers, we have a separate branch that included translated articles. We are thrilled that the readership of our blog is constantly growing, and we will continue to deliver technical content for you.

Developer Relations team

Box DevRel team is dedicated to improve developer experience and we are happy to gather feedback and be the voice of developers inside our organization. Together with the technical publications team, we own majority of resources mentioned in this article. It’s our mission to make your life as a developer easier, and make sure you succeed with your coding endeavors. If you want to meet us, check out our intros in this blog post:

Passing feedback

We constantly improve Box products, and we value your feedback. Once a year we run a survey dedicated to developers and Box admins. Besides you can help shape the future of Box by adding new request or upvote existing ones through Box Pulse.


If you’re more into video content we have a dedicated playlist about Box Platform on YouTube. You can also find recordings from our annual BoxWorks conference on the channel.

Developer newsletter

We send developer news straight to your mailbox every first Tuesday of the month. Once you create a developer account, you should be a subscriber automatically, unless you’ve ever unsubscribed from Box marketing. If you want to see past newsletters, check this page.

Box Developer Days and community roundtables

We like to hear feedback directly from you and have discussions about your ideas and projects. This year we hosted several onsite Developer Days full of workshops, presentations and hands-on coding exercises. Be sure to follow our blog and social media to stay up to date with the upcoming events.

Social media

We like to stay in touch with developers that use our solutions and provide additional hints and bits of information. Follow us on social media to get more insights:

The possibilities within this thriving Box Platform ecosystem are endless; whether you’re an experienced developer looking for new horizons or just starting out on this exciting journey. 🚀

Join our Box Developer Community for support and knowledge sharing! 🦄

See you there!

