Unlocking advanced authentication capabilities in Postman: A sneak peek

Rui Barbosa
Box Developer Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2024

As the digital landscape evolves, developers are constantly challenged to adapt and innovate, particularly when it comes to API authentication. In this sneak peek, we’ll explore how developers can leverage advanced authentication capabilities within Postman to break down the authentication barriers of modern development.

Diving into the transformation

In our upcoming session, we’ll take a deep dive into the transformation of a classic Postman collection. We’ll address the limitations of having Postman configured with a single authentication method and showcase how developers can use a variety of authentication methods, from Client Credential Grants (CCG) to JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and OAuth, within a single collection and workspace.

Empowering developers with flexibility

The Box API supports four different authentication protocols, and none of them involve a simple API key. There is a need to enable developers to quickly switch between authentication protocols without having to reconfigure Postman or use multiple collections. By utilizing a combination of environments and an intelligent pre-request script, this becomes possible.

Join us at POST/CON 24

If you’re passionate about API development and eager to enhance your authentication capabilities, don’t miss our session at POST/CON 24.

Join me, along with other industry experts, as we dive into the world of Postman.

See you May 1st, at 2:00pm!

