Working towards better sandboxes for Box developers

Alyss Noland
Box Developer Blog
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2019

If you’re reading this, you probably already have a free Box developer account. Since Box first launched free developer accounts, we’ve seen developers and admins work (not always harmoniously) to finish prototypes and automate workflows. As of today, if your company has a Box Enterprise or Platform account, you can ask your Box admins to create a sandbox for you which will link it to the company account and support better auditing and sandbox management.

Just so you don’t get lost between tabs, we’ve also added a badge to each page in these new developer sandboxes that indicate its sandbox status.

Box console showing the root folder and a badge in the bottom left corner that says test sandbox beta
Box console with sandbox badge

In the future, you can also expect to see an easier way to contact your Box admins in order to get a sandbox created. We haven’t rolled this feature out yet, but we’ll let you know when we do.

In the meantime, we’d love to hear from you. Send us your feedback on the forums or feature requests on pulse.



Alyss Noland
Box Developer Blog

Director, PMM @ GitHub, one-woman conference ✨ Cider & skincare nerd (She/her)