Best Directory Software of 2020

Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2020

BoxedCMS is an incredible Custom Content Management System that helps you build any site or directory on the Internet.

One of the inquiries that we frequently get: Why would it be advisable for me to switch to BoxedCMS? Isn’t my old site good enough? For what reason do I have to switch to BoxedCMS from another platform? On the off chance that you’re posting these inquiries, at that point, you’re at the perfect spot. In this article, we will share 6 significant reasons why you should switch to BoxedCMS, The 7th point will surprise you. We will likewise cover all the distinctive kinds of sites you can make with BoxedCMS just as feature mainstream destinations that are utilizing BoxedCMS.

1. BoxedCMS is a Custom Content Management System

BoxedCMS allows you to download full software license and request for any feature or design customization, introduce, utilize and adjust it to coordinate your needs. You can build any vertical-specific site or directory.

2. BoxedCMS is Easy to Customize

A large portion of people using BoxedCMS is neither web designers nor programmers. As a matter of fact, most folks start using BoxedCMS without any prior knowledge of designing websites.

For non-tech savvy folks, BoxedCMS is the perfect solution because it’s the most user-friendly CMS to date. There is a perfect BoxedCMS theme for just about every kind of website (whether it’s a blog, business site, or any directory which you desire to build).

BoxedCMS directories are capable to customize any theme based on the client’s need. You can also add custom functionality to your BoxedCMS site by using plugins. BoxedCMS plugins are like apps for your website that you can use to add advanced features like analytics, contact forms, business listings, and more.

3. BoxedCMS is SEO Friendly

BoxedCMS is written using standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. In non-geek terms, this makes Google and other search engines love BoxedCMS.

This is why BoxedCMS sites can be ranked higher than others in search engines.

By design, BoxedCMS is very SEO friendly out of the box. You can also use SEO plugins to further optimize your website. For complete step by step instructions, see our ultimate BoxedCMS SEO guide to properly optimize your website.

4. BoxedCMS is Easy To Manage

BoxedCMS enables you to refresh your modules and topics from inside your administrator dashboard.

BoxedCMS likewise informs you when there is another form of BoxedCMS accessible, so you can refresh your site by essentially clicking a catch.

To shield your information from any mishap or hacking, BoxedCMS hosts your websites on AWS(Amazon Web Services) reinforcement module to consequently make reinforcements and store them securely in a remote area.

You can likewise deal with your BoxedCMS site in a hurry with BoxedCMS versatile applications.

5. BoxedCMS is safe and secure

BoxedCMS is created in light of security, and it is viewed as an exceptionally protected and secure stage to run a site. Nonetheless, much the same as this present reality, the web can be a dubious spot.

6. BoxedCMS Can Handle Different Media Types

BoxedCMS isn’t simply constrained to composing content. It accompanies an inherent media uploader to deal with pictures and video embedding.

BoxedCMS can Embed empowered sites which implies you can insert YouTube recordings, Instagram photographs, Tweets, and Soundcloud sound by simply sticking the URL in the BoxedCMS post editorial manager.

7. Build what you love to build

News Portal

Business Directory

Wedding Portal

Lifestyle Magazine

Event Portal

Classified Directory

Radio Portal

Travel Portal

RealEstate Directory

Talent Directory

Take a sneak peek into BoxedCMS and schedule a demo.




I write about everything you wanted to know about a Content Management System.