How to manage change when moving to the cloud

eBook — Out with the old, in with the new

Box Europe
Box Insights
2 min readMar 6, 2018


Out with the old, in with the new

Moving from legacy to cloud infrastructure is a huge win for business, but the process requires a fundamental shift in organizational culture and business processes, both inside and outside IT. In fact, managing this change may be the biggest challenge your company faces when moving to the cloud, unless you’re equipped with the resources that make for a simple, successful transition.

We’ve helped organizations large and small work through this process, giving them a structured plan and the right tools to easily move to Box. Our tried-and-true 3-step approach proves that change doesn’t have to be hard — and shows your company the value of a new way to work.

Step 1: Discovery

During the discovery stage, you’ll create a strong foundation for project success. This involves recruiting the necessary support from leadership, aligning on project goals and defining a compelling message. Be sure to account for current processes and departments within your company that will be affected by the change.

Develop sponsorship

Executive sponsorship is the key to ensuring all your workflows stay on track as you move to the cloud. You’ll find that the sponsor will help make it an easy, successful transition for your company.

Meet criteria for sponsor selection; Recruit someone in an influential role to get everyone in your company — from business leaders to end users — excited about the change.

Ensure responsibilities are clear; The executive sponsor will develop a vision, deliver communications, establish expectations and manage user feedback.

Define an action plan; Keep your executive sponsor up-to-date on the project’s status, risks and support required to make key decisions.

Read the rest of the eBook here:



Box Europe
Box Insights

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