Introducing Box Transform: Accelerate at the speed of business

Box Europe
Box Insights


Digital transformation is on every IT leader’s mind. Yet with the proliferation of new cloud-based technologies, business leaders today are challenged to keep up with the rapid pace of innovation. A recent executive survey by Gartner found that 66% of business leaders feel they need to pick up the pace of digitalization.1

Given the increased speed of innovation, developing a comprehensive, digital strategy can be challenging. In fact, only 42% of CIOs today say they have a digital-first strategy.1 It’s increasingly important that companies be proactive about discovering and adopting new technologies. According to a recent PwC study, while most companies have dedicated teams to evaluate the latest technologies, only 40% of IT teams are able to proactively explore new innovations with specific business needs in mind.2

This is why today, Box is launching Box Transform, a new service from its Box Consulting advanced professional services team, to help companies accelerate digital transformation organization-wide.

What is Box Transform?
At Box, our goal is to transform the way people and organizations work. We want to accelerate digital transformation for our customers, giving them a competitive advantage in the marketplace and unlocking efficiencies and productivity for employees.

Box Transform is a white-glove program that offers customers a dedicated, long-term Box consultant to drive implementation of advanced cloud content management use cases, embed in and help reimagine critical customer business processes, and integrate Box with other key digital transformation initiatives across their organization.

“As enterprises move to the cloud, content has become a critical component of how companies get work done every day and we’ve seen huge demand from our customers to leverage Box in new ways that directly impact their core business” said Stephanie Carullo, COO of Box. “Box Transform ensures that customers can leverage their content to generate strategic insights, automate processes, and ultimately accelerate innovation. As a leader in cloud content management, Box is uniquely positioned to be the trusted advisor on how to unlock the value of content, save costs, and embrace digital transformation.”

What types of engagements does Box Transform include?
Box Transform brings together subject matter experts in the areas of cloud content management, change management, implementation, and platform services to help customers accelerate digital transformation. By embedding deeply into an enterprise, Box Consulting professionals can learn and understand a company’s culture, work styles, and operations, and use those insights to develop custom solutions for:

  • Integrating digital initiatives to accelerate organization-wide transformation: Box Transform provides enterprises with a strategic IT advisor to help them go beyond traditional file sharing practices, including implementing paperless strategies, digitizing time consuming processes like HR onboarding, building out custom applications with Box Platform, and retiring costly legacy infrastructure like network file shares.
  • Deploying agile methodologies: Projects through Box Transform are comprised of iterative sprints that include phases of planning, execution and retrospection, with the goal to increase efficiency and speed to results, resulting in processes being reimagined in months, not years.
  • Developing long term content strategies: With Box’s team of product and domain experts help you develop strategic and actionable content strategy roadmaps to centralize content layers and support ROI goals.
  • Adding intelligence to content: Available in 2018, Box Skills offers state of the art machine learning capabilities built into Box help enterprises uncover insights and transform business processes that have traditionally been too costly or impractical to digitize and automate through. Box also incorporates metadata, retention policies, and other custom attributes to your files in Box.

What customers are saying
Box Consulting was introduced in 2013 as an advanced professional services team aimed at helping businesses of all sizes get up and running on Box efficiently and at scale. Since its debut, Box Consulting has helped some of the largest businesses in the world, including AstraZeneca, General Electric and Schneider Electric, execute successful transitions to the cloud.

“Digital transformation is a key business initiative for us, and Box Transform has enabled us to move faster, while delivering a great experience for our customers and our 60,000 employees,” said David Smoley, CIO, AstraZeneca. “Having a Box consultant engaged with our team has helped us leverage Box as a platform and accelerate our collaboration transformation beyond content management.”

How to get started with Box Transform
Box Transform is available today. While the program is a paid offering, Box Consulting is offering a complimentary CCM Transformation Workshop to assess your current content strategy and how to unlock more value within Box for your business. Email today.

Sources: (1) “Gartner Says Digital Disruptors Are Impacting All Industries; Digital KPIs Are Crucial to Measuring Success.” Oct. 2017. (2) PwC, 2017 Global Digital IQ® Survey: 10th anniversary edition.



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