Oxfam Moves to Box for Global Collaboration for Good

Box Insights
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2017

At Business Without Boundaries in London today, we’re thrilled to announce our latest not-for-profit customer, Oxfam. The worldwide development organization is bringing Box to employees working across more than 90 countries. As well as providing mobile access to content, Box will also centralize management and security for Oxfam’s 17 international affiliates.

In May this year, we announced Box.org, an initiative focused on empowering global nonprofits to achieve their missions and deliver lasting social impact though technology.

As Karen Appleton, our head of Box.org, said at the time: “There is enormous potential for innovation in the nonprofit sector, but 87 percent of these organizations are without a dedicated IT department, and most are strapped for resources. Organizations committed to doing good and serving others should have access to the innovative technologies they need to help them achieve their goals.”

We’re delighted to be continuing to expand the Box.org initiative today by adding Oxfam to our growing list of non-profits, which already includes, among many, the International Rescue Committee, the UN Foundation and the Livestrong Foundation.

We recently met up with with Peter Ransom, Group CTO of Oxfam and learned about his team’s decision to deploy Box across all 17 of Oxfam’s federated global entities — their first ever system deployment across the entire organization.

Their story is a fascinating example of how a highly distributed global organization can elevate enterprise content management from tactical to strategic, creating virtual “knowledge hubs” and retiring data centers.

Thanks Oxfam for teaming with Box to boost efficiency and cross-organization collaboration. More importantly, thanks for doing the vital work you do.

