Project management made easy with the Box and Ruum by SAP integration

Box Europe
Box Insights
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2018

Box integrates with 1400+ best-of-breed applications to unlock productivity and collaboration, automate business processes, and enable IT to control and secure content organization-wide. SAP Ruum and Box are excited to introduce a new integration that enables teams to work faster. Learn more from the SAP Ruum team — the below is a blog post originally published on the SAP Blog on June 21, 2018.

Ruum by SAP is a lightweight project management overlay for any business process — supporting global teams to do faster work and drop fewer balls. Learn how Ruum’s latest integration with Box enables teams to deliver at their best.

For decades, enterprise systems have been disconnected from productivity apps: Work starts in SAP and moves to the phone, emails, or spreadsheets. Even the best teams lose productivity in the transition from back office to front office. Ruum by SAP closes this gap and translates your business processes into actual project plans — adding simple task management, file storage and collaboration to any enterprise system.

The simple project-management-as-a-service solution is currently integrating with 10+ applications, including Box, Microsoft Teams, Zapier and various SAP Cloud solutions.

End-to-end Business Collaboration for Enterprise Teams

With the combination of SAP Ruum and Box, customers experience an end-to-end business collaboration platform where SAP data lives side-by-side with their Box content, giving high performance teams all the context they need to execute seamlessly between front and back office.

As every enterprise has their preferred content management platform that has proven to make them successful, Ruum has recognized the need to bridge the gap between enterprise data and document collaboration. By integrating with Box, the cloud content management platform used by over 69% of the Fortune 500, Ruum enables a seamless user experience and easy access to both relevant business context and any related documents.

With Ruum’s integration with Box, you can:

  • Ensure that all of your project-relevant documents are stored in one place
  • Make use of Box’s extensive editing and collaboration features and UX
  • Easily access all your personal and professional documents in Box and add them to relevant projects in Ruum
  • Ensure all content is managed securely and centralized in Box

Ruum is Project Management for Everyone

  1. You get access to a simple, shared workspace for teams; as easy as email, but with simple project management features such as tasks, timelines, and file storage to boost productivity.
  2. Digital assistant ‘Ada’ takes over follow-ups with all team members to help you focus on what matters: moving your projects forward.
  3. Ruum seamlessly integrates with all your business processes — from any SAP screen, you can spin up a project, add relevant business data, and bring the right people together to close the loop.

Try out Ruum today:
Contact SAP Ruum — if you’d like to learn more about this integration.



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