Welcoming the Butter.ai team to Box!

Box Europe
Box Insights
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2018

We’re incredibly excited to share that the team from Butter.ai is joining Box to help us execute on our vision to bring intelligent search to the enterprise. Butter.ai, a member of All Turtles, has been focused on using machine learning to solve everyday problems, including providing users with an easy, quick and secure way to surface more relevant content with context across a variety of enterprise services.

More data was created in 2017 than in the last 5,000 years combined and by 2020 it’s expected that 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet. As organizations move to the cloud to modernize and create a digital workplace, it is fueling an unprecedented creation of business content. And as the amount of data continues to grow, it’s getting harder, more costly and time-consuming to make sense of it all. However, there’s so much value living within this content that businesses aren’t able to realize today through manual processing.

The team from Butter.ai will help Box to bring more intelligence to our Search capabilities, enabling Box’s 85,000 customers to more easily navigate through their unstructured information — making searching for files in Box more contextualized, predictive, and personalized. For example, searching for the word “contract” in Box for a member of the sales team will be more likely to turn up sales contracts whereas the HR team will be more likely to see employment contracts; or a retailer searching for “blue dress” would return images of blue dresses from the latest clothing line.

By bringing intelligent experiences to Box, our customers will be able to extract key information from their content, enabling businesses to uncover insights, work faster and smarter and reimagine their business processes. In October, we launched Box Skills, a framework that brings the best machine learning innovations to content already stored securely in Box, and with today’s news we’re continuing to invest in our intelligence capabilities, with Search a big part of this future.

Jack Hirsch, Adam Walz and the Butter.ai team are a group of highly talented individuals that have been thinking about Search in a fundamentally new way. We couldn’t be more excited to welcome them aboard as we continue on our mission to power how the world works together.



Box Europe
Box Insights

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