Try the Newly Updated ‘View by the Product Name’

Published in
Nov 5, 2020

📢 You can now conveniently sort and view your inventory by the product name!

🤔 Not being able to sort products with same product name but different categories(color, size, etc.)?

Check out the newly updated filter from the Product List🕺!

(Available on all modes)

View by the Product Name

From the Product List, filter by product name to sort your inventory by the names.

(To view full product list, please select All.)

Search by Category

Sort by product name and search the category to subdivide products in more details.

Manage inventory conveniently with the advanced sorting option😁!

✔ TIP : Editing Several Photos at Once

Did you know that you can upload a photo on numerous products at once😮?

  • Photo Edit
  1. From the Data Center, please select the products you wish to edit.
  2. Please click the Edit > Edit Photo button on top. After selecting the photo you wish to change to, please click ‘Done’ to finish.

*By clicking ‘Upload Photo’ button, you can upload photos in bulk with each photo’s file name saved as the product’s barcode.

For any inquiries, please direct them to Thank you.

