Warehouse Management Solution | BoxHero

Junie Kim
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2020

You can also watch a video on Warehouse Management with BoxHero here👇


BoxHero: A Perfect Fit for Your Warehouse

Simple Inventory Solution, BoxHero

① Fast, Accurate

  • Check quantity by the product, location in real-time
  • Stock in·out and inventory count in barcode

② Quick Adaptation

  • Excel support
  • Simple product registration and stock in·out

Company A: The solution we used before was very complicated that inserting the transaction data took longer than the actual work taking stock in and out, but BoxHero made this inserting time shorter thanks to its simple interface.

Warehouse D: The original program that our team used was very complicated that other than the trained teammates, others couldn’t easily manage the system. We needed an easier system that anyone could adapt to in a short time and BoxHero was it.

③ Reasonable Price

Pricing Plan Starting at $5/month
  • Lite Plan: For individual’s warehouse management
  • Pro Plan: For a team warehouse management under 30 people
  • Enterprise Plan: For medium-sized warehouse management

④ Demo and Free Trial

BoxHero Free Demo

On BoxHero, without any separate quotation, anyone can check the solution’s demo.

Anyone can check out BoxHero’s demo without any quotation request or registration. BoxHero also provides a 30-days free trial that doesn’t require credit card registration, so if you liked the demo, take advantage of the free trial too.

Setting Warehouse to BoxHero

Let’s set a typical warehouse and its data to BoxHero and find out how to better manage the warehouse efficiently.

1. Warehouse

Multi-location of Two

The warehouse is operated in two locations and each warehouse has several racks for storage.

#01 Warehouse is divided by the aisle, A and B, with 6 racks in total. Each rack has 3 shelves, labels from 1 to 3 by top to bottom.

If the dotted shelf’s location from the picture had to be labeled, it would [01-AB-02] in the order of Warehouse-Rack-Shelf.

#02 Warehouse is also identically divided, but aisles labeled in C, D.

So, the dotted shelf for #02 Warehouse would be [02-CB-02].

2. Excel Import

Example of a Warehouse Excel

BoxHero support excel file to import and export your data whenever.

If you have your warehouse data in an excel file, without uploading each item one by one, you can bulk upload all at once.

Bulk Upload from BoxHero’s ‘Import Excel’

With ‘Import Excel’, BoxHero reads your excel file and matches the rows automatically.

Barcode Information

When the information is uploaded, each barcode saves information on BoxHero like the above.

3. Barcode Scanner

When searching for a product to make a stock in·out, connect a barcode scanner to BoxHero to finish the task easy and fast.

Search or Scan Barcode

You can search a product by its name, barcode or scan the barcode by clicking the green button on the upper-right corner.

BoxHero supports a barcode scanner (PDA, Bluetooth·Wired Scanner) connection or mobile scanner from the BoxHero app.

Stock In with Scanner

Once you have scanned the items, press ‘Submit’ and the transaction completes.

Transaction in Mobile

All transactions can be proceeded and viewed from both PC and mobile.

So, if one of the members makes transactions on PC, others can view that update through their mobile at the warehouse in real-time and prevent any miscommunications.

4. What’s the Status for the Third Shelf?

You can also take advantage of BoxHero’s search tool to check the inventory status by the product attribute such as category, location, supplier…

For example, you want to check how many stocks are left in location ’01-AC’.

Location Status for [01-AC]

By searching the location ’01-AC’, you can check the stocks in that rack right away.

Category Status for ‘Monitor Stand’

You can also search by the category to sort and view the status of similar products.

You can check out the Warehouse Demo of the above on BoxHero website.

Warehouse Demo

Try BoxHero, right now:

