You Can Now Check Transaction Stats by Date

Hailey Ryu
Published in
Jan 24, 2022

📢 You can check stock in/out transactions, variation from audit, and final quantity by date.

*** Currently, it is only available in desktop Basic mode.***

More > Transaction Stats
In the Transaction Stats menu, you can check the number of stock in/out transactions by a selected date.
In addition, you can check inventory variation from audit and final quantity by date.

Now, if you check See by date next to the search bar, you can see transaction stats by date. 🙌

Use it for last year’s inventory settlement for the start of 2022.
You can also refer to it to figure out a goal for 2022. 👸

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to or WhatsApp, and we will reply as soon as possible. Thank you.

