Dog Shit…

Ben Watanabe
Boxing Through Moments
2 min readNov 11, 2014


boxing through moments IV

He knew what he was saying when he told you, “I know how it is… if your trainer tells you to go outside and eat dog shit you might find yourself outside the gym thinking ‘well…’, so don't let anything I’m saying contradict with what your trainer says.”.

He’s never even boxed, but he knows how it is. Not your trainer, Kaicho, but Quis.

That’s how you feel at times, even though he said not to. Not Kaicho, but Quis knowing how it is. On days like these when you feel like Kaicho doesn’t know. When you’re thinking it’s overtraining, and he’s thinking it’s trying. When all you can do is reply with a “Thank you” and a few hundred more.

Kaicho’s fought for the world though. He knows how it is.

Still you find yourself questioning what he tells you. At times you think you know better. Sometimes it’s mid-round sparring and he’s shouting forward and you’re thinking back. He’s screaming jab and you’re on the inside scrapping. It’s between rounds and he’s telling you speed, but you’re thinking power.

You’re inside the ring though. Naturally you know how it is.

You keep reminding yourself though that, “boxing is an unnatural act”. F.X. Toole knew it from stepping through the ropes and then writing stories about the ring. That’s why you handed Kaicho the book after he got you through your professional boxing test and got you your license.

You’re fighting today though. You’re forgetting how it is.

As he’s shouting, you’re struggling to accept it. You’re thinking you’re in there taking punches. You’re the one seeing exactly why your punches aren’t landing. Finally after the fifth repeated shout you slip the punch and land solidly without struggling.

You thought his shouts were dog shit. Now you saw how it was.

He wasn’t trying to see what you were naturally. He’s removed from the fight for a reason. He’s been through it all. He knows exactly what his orders and shouts taste like in the moment.

Now you’re outside though. Not eating dog shit, but feeling like it. It’s just a little since the sun came back up. You’re thinking about overtraining again, he’s thinking sprints. That’s how it is…

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