
Ben Watanabe
Boxing Through Moments
2 min readFeb 4, 2015


boxing through moments XI


He’s in your face asking if you’re “Okay?” You guess…

You’re not guessing you’re okay, you know the answer to that question. You guess he’s asking if you’re okay. All you can do is guess right now.

You’re not okay. What just happened wasn’t natural. You’re not part of nature anymore. You didn’t naturally have to go through this. You’d been taken out of the circle of nature. You consciously put yourself back in the circle risking your conscious.

Now you have a choice, “Okay?”

You have the choice.

You don’t have long though. You only have moments. Only moments before the choice is made for you, but it being made for you would be the same as you defaulting.

What choice?

You’re in the dignified sport. The historical sport. You’ve thought about it often, how in other crueler combat sports when you’re down you’re still game, you’re still being attacked, until it’s all over. That’s natural.

The stop, the numbers, the choice aren’t natural.

You’ve avoided thinking about this moment countless times. How the moment of kindness, the ten seconds, in many ways is crueler than the other combat sports. You’re given just enough time to offer yourself again, to be offered a choice.

Really, what choice?

You’ve got to make the choice. You’ve got to choose whether or not to stay in the circle. Even though only moments before you were only instinct, now the only thing natural to do is the unnatural.

You can’t leave the ropes that you’re now tied to. In leaving the ring you’d be leaving more than one circle. You’ve seen how fans treat those who make a choice, after having knowingly chose the square circle. You’ve heard what you’ve really thought about those who made a choice.

No one would ever say it to your face though. You’re too low for that. Your friends and family would say how you were right. How you’ve got to think long-term, got to think of your health, and those you love. All this even though we all fall in love those that live in the moment. You know what they would really think though, because you know what you have really thought.


You’re not okay. You don’t have a choice. You’re already tied to the ropes. You’re already inside the circle. With that you’ve got to be okay…

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