What is metadata for a website? (with references and dimensions)

Tarun Gupta
Tarun Gupta
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2018

These are the details we feed in our website so that when the website link is shared on social media platforms — right image and text is picked up.

Fb: 1200 X 627 px (less than 300Kb)

Title: 60 to 90 characters

Description: Not exceeding 200 characters

Must include: #opentoexperiment and #plutoX

Twitter: 280X150 px (minimum) (<1 mb)

Title: 70 characters

Description: Not exceeding 200 characters

Must include: @dronaaviation + #opentoexperiment or #plutoX


I am an Independent Brand Consultant, filmmaker and a crowdfunding expert. Currently based in India.

Education Background: B-Tech, Metallurgical Engineering and material science technology, IIT Bombay (2009 Batch)

Please feel free to drop a message — tgiitb@gmail.com or call me on +91 8080905374

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Tarun Gupta
Tarun Gupta

Independent brand strategist, crowdfunding expert and filmmaker. Currently based in India.