What is Boys Club?

Boys Club
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2021

Great q babe. Boys Club is a dinner series and group chat for the crypto curious. It’s designed for women and non-binary people, but welcoming all. Zero crypto experience required. No technical know-how needed. Come with a curious spirit and a willingness to learn.

We’re building Boys Club for the person who wants to learn, but doesn’t want to get roasted for not knowing the basics. We’re building it for the people that see their friends getting rich off NFTs and want to learn more, but have no idea where to start. We’re building it for the people who see web3 changing their industries, and want to explore how to create value in this new world. We’re building it for you, dear reader, even if you know jack shit about crypto.

There is a sincere urgency to our message, because crypto is melting everything it touches at lightning speed. It started with money, but soon every facet of culture will be transformed by the ability for value to move around seamlessly online. Art? Yeah. Sports? Yep. Fashion? Yah. Lottery tickets? Amazingly, yes. Geopolitics? You bet.

Why a dinner and group chat? Selfishly, it’s because it’s how we learn best. Watching YouTube tutorials and listening to podcasts work for a lot of people. For us? We need the space to ask questions and explore with friends, online and IRL. There is a whole new world being built on the blockchain, and we know there is an opportunity for us to decide what it looks like for us. A big part of what excites us is taking this online moment and building an IRL community.

Your hosts are Deana Burke and Natasha Hoskins, co-founders of a recently acquired travel startup Allcall. Deana started a crypto wallet app for young women in 2018, and though that project isn’t around today, her passion for helping newcomers remains steadfast. Deana now works at the Celo Foundation, helping a mission-driven team build tools to enable financial inclusion. Natasha is at Fora, helping nurture a community of travel lovers in an industry transformed. Natasha is brand new to crypto and is learning the ins and outs — and wants to do this with you (cocktail in hand).

With Boys Club, as is with crypto, you get out what you put in. Only want to come hang with some fun people at a low-key dinner? Cool! Want to chat online with some smart people, learning about DAOs? Sweet! Want to go deep down a rabbit hole in a community of creative souls? Awesome! You can play at your own pace.

You aren’t too late. You’re just on time. Join Boys Club now (and share this with your crypto curious friends). Zero dollars needed to apply, join and participate.


Deana & Natasha

