BPF at #PAY Symposium 2019

Taking our mission to democratise blockchain adoption onto the global stage


BPF’s goal has always been to bridge the gap between the blockchain and the traditional philanthropic industries. From an innovation standpoint, blockchain and philanthropy couldn’t be further apart. Blockchain technology is still in its beginning stages of being integrated into our lives, and has direct ties to the fluctuations of cryptocurrencies. Philanthropy on the other hand, has been in practice before history was written, and has been relatively static for the last few decades. Additionally, the philanthropy sector largely struggles with direct access to funds and rarely benefits from innovative changes that often target consumer markets.

As a philanthropic organisation with expertise and focus on blockchain technology, we see a significant need for bringing these two concepts together. While blockchain technology was born out of a desire to make peer-to-peer transactions, its true potentials stretch beyond being purely a fintech tool. Its dependability, accessibility and decentralisation can be powerful contributors to the philanthropic goals of NGOs. So how do we help NGOs gain more trust in this technology?

The Solution

A trust-worthy entity that understands both sides of the world, and is willing to directly help NGOs in navigating the blockchain landscape and find applications that deepen their global impact.

This is what BPF is trying to achieve. We at BPF see the importance of working with both blockchain and non-blockchain companies to form an impartial and diversified perspective.

So we are honoured and excited to be invited to present at the #PAY Symposium this summer at Caesar’s Palace Las Vegas. With a strong focus on exploring the future of the payment, banking and fintech industries, this event will be a great platform for us to connect with other thought-leaders within this ecosystem.

What are our goals at #PAY?

We will be able to further raise our profile on a global scale and show how cryptocurrency donations can empower charities to fulfil their missions. Here are some activities we will be driving:

  1. Blockchain in Payment Panel: We will be sitting down with current leaders within the blockchain and payment sectors to discuss blockchain’s role in the future of payments.
  2. Demo of our Cryptocurrency Donation Platform: We will be showcasing our cryptocurrency donation platform and introducing other participants to how blockchain technology can already be utilised for social good.
  3. Pitch a New Blockchain for Social Good Concept: We will be pitching a novel idea for using blockchain technology in the philanthropic space.

Support us at #PAY

We’d love your support as we embark on this journey across the world to spread awareness of the philanthropic potential of blockchain technology. By supporting us, you will enable us to reach a wider audience and drive more impact as we launch our cryptocurrency donation platform and continue to partner with NGOs. To find out how to support us, please click here or visit our website to learn more about us!

We look forward to having in-depth discussion with our world class panellists through the Blockchain in Payment panel. We also look forward to meeting as many partners as possible to collaborate on creating bigger impact by leveraging blockchain technology.

By Renee Yang, Marketing Manager at BPF

