BPF Donation Platform Launch Event

The Blockchain Philanthropy Foundation is excited to be launching an industry-first cryptocurrency Donation Platform this coming Wednesday, 30th of October.

Last year, BPF announced our President Chris Zhong was recognised as an AMP Tomorrow Maker (read the full article here). Through this achievement, BPF have partnered with the AMP Foundation to bring an exciting event to Melbourne where we will unveil our Donation Platform, an industry-first platform that will help our Charity Partners achieve their mission.

The BPF Donation Platform has been in the works for around a year, and the focus has always been on getting Charities ahead of the game, and connecting Charitable organisations to the crypto community. With Crypto set to explode and impact all major pay systems, the BPF Donation Platform will enable charities to accept donations via a crypto wallet, from anywhere in the world. The Donation Platform will give our Charity Partners full transparency, security, and ownership of their donations.

“Partnering with BPF will greatly improve the ways in which WaterAid communicates with its current and potential partners, giving them a new avenue to support our programs overseas.

We pride ourselves for being an agile organisation, ready to capture the latest market trends and respond to emerging requests from the public. The added security of blockchain will make the whole donation process totally transparent and traceable, which perfectly aligns with our values of being an open and sharing organisation” — Federico Marcon (Head of Strategic Partnerships and Philanthropy, WaterAid)

Joining BPF on the night, we have our Charity Partners WaterAid and UNICEF presenting on their mission and goals, and how the BPF Partnership and Donation Platform can help in their work. Speaking on the night will be Shannon Fleming, Associate Director, Fundraising, Marketing from UNICEF and Rosie Wheen, Chief Executive from WaterAid. The Donation Platform will be fully functional, and both charities will be able to accept donations from a crypto wallet on the night. Members of the BPF Advisory Board will also be attending and there will be a panel discussion on the topic ‘Innovative Technology and Philanthropy.’

Tickets are free and still available via this link. If you haven’t secured a ticket yet, be sure to purchase one today to be a part of this exciting event!

“We are very excited to be part of this event, that will be a fantastic opportunity for the industry to show that this sector remains nimble and willing to change in an increasingly complex financial landscape. We expect to meet many like-minded corporate and philanthropic supporters who are willing to explore new forms of collaboration with WaterAid.” — Federico Marcon (Head of Strategic Partnerships and Philanthropy, WaterAid)

Read more about WaterAid’s mission and speaker below:

“WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation. Only by tackling these three essentials in ways that last can people change their lives for good. WaterAid Australia is part of a global Federation of member countries which make up WaterAid International, manages programs in Cambodia, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste and collaborates on projects in India and Myanmar. Our mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people by improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene.”

“Rosie Wheen is the Chief Executive of WaterAid. She is a passionate advocate for human rights, gender equality and universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene. She has two decades of international development experience, having lived and worked in Indonesia for six years before joining WaterAid Australia at its inception in 2004. Rosie’s leadership manifesto focuses on being an authentic, servant leader who always pushes herself beyond her comfort zone. Rosie serves on the Board of the THREE Foundation, ACFID and is a Founder and Committee Member of Not in My Workplace, a group of executive leaders working to address workplace harassment and abuse across all industries in Victoria.” — Federico Marcon (Head of Strategic Partnerships and Philanthropy, WaterAid)

Tickets are available up until the time of the event. We hope to see you all there as we unveil and launch our industry-first Donation Platform with our Charity Partners!

For more information contact Kaia.Delaney@philanthropyblockchain.org

