BPF Industry Project - Cryptocurrency Donation Platform

Bringing the next generation of tech leaders into the blockchain for social impact arena


The CoinGive team receiving an award for their donation platform from BPF

The BPF technology team has been working closely with students at La Trobe University for the past year to create a cryptocurrency donation platform (you can read about it here). So we were very excited to attend La Trobe’s 26th Engineering, Data Science and Information Technology Showcase on 28 November to see our winning team, CoinGive present their project to other engineering students, faculty and industry professionals.

Through this industry project, BPF’s goal was to educate students on new technologies like Blockchain and get a taste of what a typical industry project would look like using Agile methodology, project management and software testing. We also wanted to give these students an opportunity to build something that has social impact.

But at the core of it all, Chris Zhong, President of BPF was inspired by her own experience to work directly with university students at La Trobe:

“I used to be a computer science student myself and I know how important and valuable it is for students to gain industry experience before they get into the workforce. One of BPF’s core pillars is education, and to be able to add value to a student’s learning journey, it is very gratifying.”

CoinGive demonstrating their QR code integration

During this project, students were asked to create a platform where potential donors can directly interact with charities around the world to make cryptocurrency donations. In addition to providing access to a list of charities as well as options to create accounts for both charities and donors, we also looked for a smooth end-to-end experience on the platform. CoinGive impressed our team with their initiative in researching blockchain technology, their charity management flow, as well as their ability to demonstrate the donation process to us and the audience.

Aaron Boyd, BPF Technical Lead worked alongside the students throughout the year. Though he was there to show guidance on navigating blockchain technology, he also saw first-hand how this project could assist students in reaching their professional goals. When asked what he liked about this experience, he said:

“I enjoyed the mentoring aspect the most. In the end it turned out that not only was I giving guidance on the overall architecture and technologies, but I also ended up discussing the student’s Agile development processes and team cohesion. It was a very rewarding experience”

With a team of volunteers that have extensive industry experiences, BPF is dedicated to building the next generation of the Australian workforce by collaborating with universities on industry projects. We look forward to continue helping students expand their possibilities through demonstrating the accessibility and the unending potentials of blockchain technology.

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Written by Renee Yang, Content Manager at BPF

