If an Ad Falls in the Woods…

Bully Pulpit International
Bully Pulpit International
1 min readOct 18, 2018


At BPI, we like to say we don’t sell soap. We build believers around today’s biggest challenges — like climate change, voter turnout, and the future of work. And while you may often hear us talk about data and analytics, the best targeting can’t help you without impactful creative.

In fact, this year our story has really been about creative. In 2018, we will develop and produce more than 3,500 videos — almost 3x more than last year — and over 2,500 more visual assets. But in today’s cluttered environment,is more actually more?

Here’s our POV: If you aren’t starting with your audience and their interests, you’re probably doing it wrong.

Big takeaway: don’t just make ads for your clients. Make content for the people you’re trying to reach, and results will follow.

You can see our approach in action with a few of our recent pieces:

-Fighting to protect transgender rights in Massachusetts.

-Helping EY communicate their values.

If you’re not already following our social channels, be sure to check them out for more creative that drives offline results.

